Innovation Alliance Program - Articles

Welcoming CUHK PI Centre as the Newest Partner of the NTT Innovation Alliance Program

Written by NTT Innovation Alliance | Jan 13, 2025 2:00:00 AM

CUHK PI Centre is a university-wide initiative at CUHK to stimulate creativity and entrepreneurship, supporting aspiring entrepreneurs to prepare and fine-tune their startups. With the expertise of building startups, PI Centre offers advice and industry connections to students, actualising preliminary ideas into working business models, and providing workspace, facilities, training, funding, proof of concept and mentoring services.

Through the PI Centre, they can increase the number and impact of sustainable, socially responsible enterprises that integrate theoretical knowledge, enthusiasm and market discipline to create value, with a goal to unleash the creative potential from across the campus.

CUHK PI Centre has now become a part of the NTT Innovation Alliance Program, joining our existing partners listed below.

Program Partner

Cyberport, HKSTP

Research Partner


University Partner

CityU, CUHK PI Centre, PolyU, HKUST


Together, we will leverage our collaborative strengths to unlock and maximize the potential of the alliance, co-creating unparalleled value for Hong Kong society.